
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

BHHS Team 9A has new math units under way!  The Algebra classes have extended their investigations of linear functions to include inequalities.  Algebra students are solving and graphing inequalities of both one and two variables.  Students summative assessments from writing linear functions were impressive. Now the Algebra students will are preparing for the summative assessment for the inequalities unit with applications, which will be December 18.  Keep up the good work!!

Our geometry students have focused on communicating with our mathematical language all semester.  They are really putting their communication skills to use while writing PROOFS!!  In our study of triangles, we are applying theorems with calculating angle measurements of interior and exterior angles .  It contains lots of Algebra including factoring, which will benefit the students when they enter Algebra 2 next year.  Writing the proofs has been a nice culmination of communicating with our "mathematical language".  We are all impressed by the great work by Team 9A math students!!!

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